We live in a society where work is increasingly hard to find. According to official data, unemployment figures in Scotland rose by 14,000 in the final three months of last year, bringing the total figure up to 124,000, or 4.5% of the population. This is quite a sizeable chunk, and means that approximately 1 person in every 25 is unemployed.
Therefore, it is probable that you know people who are looking for work – maybe you are too.
One thing that you may not have realised, however, is that help IS available.
Fair Start Scotland is a new employment support service for Scotland, and from April 2018 aims to help 38,000 people find employment, and could help you or a loved one. This service is being provided in the local area by Lochaber Hope. We asked Cameron, a member of our employability division, some questions about the project and how you can benefit from it.
What are the origins of Fair Start Scotland?
It was developed by listening to participant feedback and using this feedback to create a service that will support people in their journey to find work.
How will Fair Start Scotland help me?
It will help you find employment by building your skills and qualities. We will do this by supporting you and making sure that you have the vital strengths and attributes necessary for the workplace. For example, we will help you create a CV and practice for interviews.
How can I access Fair Start Scotland?
You can go to the Jobcentre and ask to join the Fair Start Scotland Service.
Am I eligible?
Participants living in Scotland and eligible to work in the UK who are:
aged 18 years old and over, out of work and living in Scotland;
or aged 16 or 17 years old and are either disabled or in receipt of ESA /Universal Credit UC (work-focussed interview group, work prep group or no work requirements).
Where can I find out more?
You can find more information by ringing Lochaber Hope on 01397 704836, contacting the Jobcentre or going online at www.employabilityinscotland.com
I am interested in this service – what now?
The service is now up and running, so you can come into Lochaber Hope and get started straightaway. We would advise coming 3 or 4 days per week in order to get the most out of it.
BBC News. (2018). Scottish unemployment rises by 14,000. Available: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-43140438. Last accessed 20/03/2018.
The Scottish Government (2018). Fair Start Scotland. Edinburgh: APS Group Scotland. p1-3.
Employability Scotland. (2018). Employment Support 2018. Available: http://www.employabilityinscotland.com/devolved-employment-services/employment-support-2018/. Last accessed 20/03/2018.
Cameron Crawford, 20/03/2018, Personal Interview.