Charity No SC037003
Company No. 376811
Fair Work First Statement and Declaration
Lochaber Hope is committed to advancing the Scottish Government Fair Work First Policy and the criteria within the relevant guidance as found here. As an employer, Lochaber Hope cares for the well-being and health of its staff and volunteers alike and is overall committed to improving the work/life balance of its staff and volunteers through the adoption of fairer work practices. This is acknowledged through the following:
Effective Employee Voices:
Lochaber Hope is a person-centred organisation where both staff and volunteers work with each other the same as with clients. Lochaber Hope has an ‘open-door’ dialogue where staff and volunteers can voice their successes and challenges, seek supervision or support, make suggestions and are able to voice their concerns without fear of repercussion.
We have appropriate channels for effective voice from the workforce and/or volunteers via the following methods.
Weekly staff briefings and regular catchup’s for our volunteers
Induction processes for both paid staff and volunteers to navigate through policies and procedures, highlighting HR relevant information to ensure staff and volunteers are aware of all communication channels available should this ‘open door’ style of communication not feel appropriate.
Weekly, individual staff catchups with executive manager to discuss support or any guidance that may be required.
Staff appraisals at three and six months, followed by annual appraisals.
Quarterly ‘Working Together, Learning Together’ sessions inclusive of staff exercises to help individuals learn to collectively work better together as a team. This also includes discussions surrounding how adjustments and changes can be implemented (if required).
Wellbeing support is available for staff and volunteers both internally and externally. Lochaber Hope is now affiliated with ‘Croner’ to aid in updating and implementing Health and Safety policies and procedures. Their EAP (Employers Assistance Programme) is included, both staff and volunteers are actively encouraged to access this if required.
Lochaber Hope carries out external consultation work with our counselling team to ensure that we are operating at the expected standard of our counsellors. Where improvements can be made, these will be implemented to the best of Lochaber Hope’s ability.
Workforce Development:
Lochaber Hope actively encourages personal and professional development within both our paid staff, and our volunteer teams. All staff and members have access to training opportunities that are necessary for the development of their role i.e. safeguarding, child protection, GDPR and Lone Working. There are multiple opportunities available for further development through external networks such as, The Skills Network. Further, Lochaber Hope facilitates an SQA accredited Mentor Training which is offered to volunteers and staff members to further develop skills and knowledge relating to boundaries, confidentiality, basic counselling skills and the therapeutic environment. Appropriate and relevant CPD training is available upon request.
Zero Hour Contracts:
We do not offer, and will not, in future, offer ‘zero hours’ contracts.
Gender Pay Gap, Diversity and Inclusivity:
All staff, regardless of gender, or other circumstance, are renumerated accordingly based on the advertised position. There is and will be no deviation from this commitment.
Real Living Wage:
Lochaber Hope is an accredited Real Living Wage employer and provides staff with remuneration that aligns with the Real Living Wage, Lochaber Hope is committed to supporting this strategy in future. In the instance where Lochaber Hope requires contractors, we are committed to choosing those, in the first instance, who are also committed to the Real Living Wage.
Fire and Re-Hire Practices:
Lochaber Hope opposes the use of ‘fire and rehire’ practises and will only consider implementing change where there is legitimate need. Prior to implementing change, due diligence through meaningful consultation and discussion with board members, staff, and volunteers (if deemed appropriate) is mandatory.
The above statement has been agreed to by both the employer and a suitable workforce representative for our employees and/or volunteers: